Fable Official Trailer

Unveiling the Realm of Heroes in Gaming

[Music] oh right [Music]
So you want to know all about heroes, do you? Well, you have come to the right place because who better to tell you all about them than perhaps the greatest hero of them all? Yeah, there he is in all his finery. [Music] [Applause] Cheers!

I mean, sure, you get your mega fans who are like, ‘Literally my favorite person,’ your haters who act like a fan club but hate you, your chances, and the occasional giant toad for some reason. But it’s more than that; it’s about the choices you make. ‘I’m a hero; I should do what I want.’ You thought you could save her. You know, it’s life and death stuff that defines you, isn’t it, really? It stays with you.

Exclusive Club of Albian Heroes

I knew this one hero; I took her in when she had nowhere else to go. Welcome to the most exclusive Club in all of Albian. I thought I’d get her out there and make the most of her gift. But you know what it’s like when you’re young; you have a point to prove. I tell you, this kid, she had it all: the skill, the talent, the power. She was something else. Alright, she was terrifying.

So yeah, I knew this girl once who made all the wrong choices. ‘Humphrey, she’s [Music]. Back. I’m going to fix this place, and no one is going to stand in my way. Play it day one with Game Pass.’

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